A Conversation with Prof. Maria Repnikova


Thursday, March 17, 2022


3:00 PM


4:30 PM
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This conversation is the fourth part of the China Methodology Workshop Series, Studying China from Elsewhere, featuring Prof. Maria Repnikova, Assistant Professor in Global Communications at Georgia State University. In this talk, Prof. Repnikova discusses her field research in Ethiopia and explains how studying China’s interactions with third countries provides unique opportunities. 

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Dr. Maria Repnikova 

Assistant Professor in Global Communications - Georgia State University

Dr. Maria Repnikova is a scholar of China’s political communications, the Assistant Professor of Global Communications, and the Director of the Center for Global Information Studies at Georgia State University. Her research expertise includes China’s critical journalism, political persuasion, and soft power, especially in the African context, China-Africa cultural exchanges, and China-Russia comparisons. She is the author of Media Politics in China: Improvising Power Under Authoritarianism which won the Book of the Year award from the International Journal of Press and Politics. Her new book, Chinese Soft Power, as part of the Cambridge Elements Global China Series, will be published in 2022 by Cambridge University Press.

She was a Wilson Fellow at the Woodrow Wilson Center from September 2020 to May 2021. Dr. Repnikova was a post-doctoral fellow at the Project for Advanced Research in Global Communications at the Annenberg School for Communication, University of Pennsylvania. She holds a doctorate from the University of Oxford, where she was a Rhodes Scholar. She speaks fluent Mandarin, Russian, and Spanish.